Friday 14 September 2012

the language of film

aerial shot
A camera shot filmed from an airplane, helicopter, blimp, balloon, kite or high building (higher than a crane).

bridging shot
A shot that connects one scene to another by showing a change in time or location. A bridging shot can also be used to connect two shots from the same scene by using a close-up, distant pan or different camera angle thus relating the shots via content.

See titles.

A shot in which a smallish object (e.g. the human head) fits easily within the frame

crane shot
A shot in which the camera rises above the ground on a mobile support

The size and position of objects relative to the edges of the screen; the arrangement of objects so that they fit within the actual boundaries of the film.

long shot
A shot in which a large object (e.g. a complete human figure) fits easily within the frame

overhead shot
A shot looking down vertically on the action from above.

passing shot
A shot producing a projected image that travels quickly across the screen, either by moving the subject past a stationary camera or by panning the camera past a stationary subject

The effect of rapid movement either towards or away from the subject being photographed, either by using a specialized zoom lens or by moving the camera on a boom, crane or dolly. Zoom effects can also be achieved and enhanced by the use of an optical printer.

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